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The space in between, the pause, the stillness is meditation.
Through meditation we develop clarity, mental calm and inner peace.
This leads to more serenity in our daily lives.

Through meditation, we learn to simply let thoughts or images come and go as they appear in our own mind, without holding on to them. Mindfulness helps us not to be distracted, but to remain focused on the object of the meditation. We learn to observe everything that arises and then let it go again.

We meditate in short sessions on the body and the breath. By exercising non-judging presence or pure awareness, we develop a mental clarity and stability that we can use in our daily lives.

An introduction to the basics of Buddhist philosophy expands our understanding of the mind and we see that all sentient beings wish to be happy and avoid suffering. By observing and changing our behaviour, combined with the practice of meditation, we can develop authentic compassion for others and help to foster further qualities that already reside inside us all. This can give our lives a positive direction.

I owe my teachers, H.H. Karmapa Thaye Dorje, H.E. Shamar Rinpoche, Jamgon Kongtrul Rinpoche, Jigme Rinpoche, Gendun Rinpoche, Trinlay Rinpoche, Khenpo Chodrak Rinpoche and others, a debt of gratitude for my continuous training in meditation and Buddhist philosophy.

For more background information about the meditation seminars, see


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